Is that—oh my god hi, how are you? I almost didn’t recognize you. It’s been so long since I’ve seen you in person! Do you want to—where are you at with hugging right now? Are you comfortable with a hug? I’m fully vaccinated so it’s whatever you’re comfortable with. You look amazing.
I’ve been working on myself.
I know this is a lot but Isabel Yellin is putting together a show. It’s me and Isabel and Amanda Ross-Ho and Anne Libby and Nevine Mahmoud and Oliva Erlanger and Anna Sew Hoy and Alison Veit and Rosha Yaghmai. It’s in a backyard in Highland Park. Everyone is making new work for the space, and I’m doing a durational performance. You HAVE to be there. I mean you actually have to, because pictures don’t do it justice—come to think of it pictures don’t do justice for much these days. But let’s not go there right now, I just want to enjoy your company.
You know what? I feel good, I do. I don’t think I’m supposed to say that but I do.
The show is April 10th, 17th, and 24th from 12-5 pm and you have to make an appointment to visit—I know, I know, things are kind of going back but also not you know, and not everyone’s vaccinated yet (did I tell you I’m vaccinated?) but you should sign up, seriously. Come. We’ll have drinks and stuff but you can’t go in the house so make sure you use the restroom before you leave, or stop at a Starbucks or something on the way. Honestly, I can’t wait to see you. And for you to see the work. And for the work to see you.
Okay, I’ll let you go.